Council of /tg/ Wikia

<hero description="This wiki is a reference for the Council of /tg/ role-playing game, and contains information on the background, nations, rules and influential members." imagename="" cropposition="" />

Welcome to the Council of /tg/ Wikia

This wiki is a reference for the Council of /tg/ role-playing game, and contains information on the background, nations, rules and influential members.

Old Parliament Wiki


  • To join in, simply write your name and choose a nation (or nomad) as well as a secure tripcode: ☀
  • Your name should look like this: "NAME [Nation/Nomad]!!7hf6g31g"
  • Three people are needed to create a nation
  • You can join a nation or move to another nation at any time
  • A nation needs to set up its own page on this Wiki, listing the active members of the nation
  • Nations can vote on anything, Nomads can only vote on Issues and Elections.
  • Voting sessions will be held at fixed times. Only Heralds may host sessions.
  • Roll Call and Elections are on Sundays.

Current definitions

These are still being worked on and fleshed out, since the game hasn't quite started yet.

Player: A player is a person on 4chan participating in the Council of /tg/ game.

Governor(?): A character in the Council of /tg/ game. Governors control one territory and have one vote in sessions. A Governor must be a member of a nation.

Nation: A group of three or more governors that have united under a single name, ideology and geographical area. Nations must have three members before being able to vote in sessions or take territory.

Nomad: A player character that is not part of a nation and does not control territory. They cannot hold land, nor can they vote on bills. They may still propose bills and vote on Issues and in Elections.

Session: A session is a period of time in which issues and bills can be voted on. A session lasts four hours, during which four issues/bills are voted on. (One hour per vote). Sessions are started and run by the Heralds.

Herald: A Herald is a democratically elected position. It is the responsibility of Heralds to create threads and preside over voting Sessions. Heralds are elected weekly. There are (two or three?) Heralds at any one time.

God: The God is a democratically elected position and is the storyteller and game-master of the Council of /tg/ game. The Storyteller comes up with Issues to be voted on and also acts as a Herald if need-be.

Issue: An Issue is an event that affects the Council of /tg/ on a large scale and can be either a good or bad thing. The Council's reaction to Issues are voted on in Sessions.

Roll Call: Performed every Sunday instead of that Session, Roll Call completely empties the Council to clear out inactive members. People who show up for roll-call are granted seats on the Council/Territories on the map.

>A nation that is formed/made official during the week is considered a nation for the purposes of bills and voting. However, they may not claim territories or build until the next roll call.

>A player whom misses a roll call loses any structures they built after the first week of inactivity, representing chaos and riots from their negligent lack of leadership.

>A player who misses TWO consecutive roll calls loses his or her territory entirely as the area revolts, becoming a Nomad.

>A player who misses THREE roll calls in a row is presumed dead and is removed from the Council entirely. They may re-join later, but must start from scratch.



Each nation can hold one hex, where upon GOODS can be harvested from STRUCTURES to make more advanced STRUCTURES.




Laws in Effect

Voting History

History of Teegee


God Session: MONDAY 02:00-06:00 06:00-10:00 16:00-20:00 23:00-03:00
Herald Session 1: WEDNESDAY ??? ??? ??? ???
Herald Session 2: FRIDAY ??? ??? ??? ???
Roll Call: SUNDAY 00:00-23:59 04:00-03:59 NEXT DAY 14:00-13:59 NEXT DAY 21:00-20:59 NEXT DAY

Upcoming Events:

  • Next session on Friday, October the 9th
  • Next Roll Call will be on Sunday, October 11th beginning at 00:00 EDT

Current Council as of ???

Tg Parliament

Current Nations/Nomads

(Nation) Galactic Empire
- Led by Moff Wibbles (!!uEJlMx2b3bk)
(Nation) Spooky Party
- Led by Haunted Tree (!!TpnhkroKMDi)
(Nation) Imperium
- Led by Dreadnought Riepold (!!wgdvioaXFCL)

(Nomad) Pokémon League

- Led by Professor Oak (!!OuKOQrKxyaX)

(Nomad) Unity

- Led by Master (!!E/pXNJxhTNK)

(Nomad) The Eighth Crusade

- Led by Sibrand (!!a++TZy2ZbvD)

(Nomad) Rogue Trader

- Led by The Lighthouse Keeper (!xrqKn5Aa8Q)

(Nomad) Grey Wardens

- Let by Warden Comm. Calabrian (!!3L2dCEeRCau)

(Nomad) Followers of the Old Ones

- Led by  Zenobius of Pylos (!!ztja4urHpeD)

(Nation) The Coalition of Dorfen Fortresses

- Led by Urist McSledgehammer (!!IVf2Y545r8/)

(Nomad) The Union of Apocalyptic Cults

-Led by Andom the Seer (!!ImEKePVEaON)

(Nomad) The Conglomeration of Fair Folk - [CoFF]

-Led by Great Grandfather Grin (!!mtdgmP+mmeT)

(Nomad) The Free S.T.A.L.K.E.R's

- Led by Alexei Grigoryev (!!XpPKpLoTM+K)

(Nomad) Free American Republic

- Led by Cobb Bless (!!mpeEyyJpDx+)

(Nomad) National Syndicalist Action Party- Led by John Kowalsky


(Nomad) Led by Grey Seer Tizbit !!vPRV7UjsKD+

The Great Horned Rat Confederacy

(Nomad) Union of the Unsuspicious-Led by Anon I Dimirson, Lord of Spoilers



God of TeeGee:

  • Grand Moff Wibbles [Galactic Empire] !!uEJlMx2b3bk

Heralds of the Council:

  • Haunted Tree [Leader of Spooky] !!TpnhkroKMDi
  • Nar Burnt-Hands[CDF] !!ADkQyzZ/mev

Copypaste for threads

>To join in, simply write your name and choose a party as well as a secure tripcode:

>Three people and a party page on the wikia are needed to create a party

>Create your party platform and see existing laws and regulations here:

New Wikia (WIP):

Old Wikia (use for reference):

Current Agenda:

>Figure rules and shit out.

>Roll Call: if you're a current member of the Council report in or you'll lose your seat.

Legislation Docket

Nomad Vote Bill

Nomads may vote on bills, but...

1. Their votes will only be counted as half of a vote. 2: During a session where a Nomad party becomes a Governing party, their votes will need to be recast with details that their party is now no longer a nomad party. If they do not, the half vote will still stand.

Proposed by: Jackie Skeleton [NOMAD] !!6BlLpXqYFuG

Seconded by: Alexei "Nomad" Grigoryev [The Free S.T.AL.K.E.R's] [Nomad] !!XpPKpLoTM+K


Section 1: After the fall of Nazimod, a significant amount of knowledge was lost. In an effort to regain some of that knowledge, this bill establishes a Council Library. The library will contain books from throughout the realm, which will either be donated by the various countries and nomadic groups that make up the council, or purchased by the library. All items in the library must be acquired through legal means.

Section 2: With this library comes the establishment of the position of COUNCIL LIBRARIAN. The Council Librarian will record the history of the land of teegee and the council in the Encyclopedia Wikia. Council actions that will be recorded are:

Passed Legislation
Vote History
The election of individuals to their offices (God, Herald, etc.)
Any actions taken by committees (such as the CC or AA).

Parties will be responsible for the upkeep of their own pages in the Wikia. Any pre-council history must be approved by the council and passed by a majority. The Council Librarian will be elected via a vote and must gain a majority of votes. 
Section 3: Along with the Council Librarian, there will a

lso be an APPRENTICE LIBRARIAN. Apprentice Librarian will be determined by election, wherein candidates must gain a majority vote to win the election. If 48 hours has passed and the Council Librarian has not updated the Wikia, the Apprentice Librarian will record the actions of the council. If the Council Librarian has missed two consecutive roll calls the Apprentice Librarian will be promoted to Council Librarian and the council may call for an election for a new Apprentice Librarian. If an Apprentice Librarian has missed two roll calls they will be dismissed and an election will be held for new Apprentice Librarian.

Proposed by:  Louisa the Death Witch [spooky] !!rEkSWzi2+mz

Seconded by: Andrei - Master of Coin [Spooky] !!++saaZn/DN0, Mekkers[Undeclared][Nomad] !!1AGIWuniLvz


To make sure the rebuilding efforts go as smoothly as possible while also promoting trade, it is necessary to enforce a global currency. Given the geological location of the /tg/ realm, GOLD-based coins are the most appropriate resource to use. 

Every coin will have the emblems of each of the founding four nations proudly shown on the front to commemorate Nazidom's defeat while denoting the coin's value on the back.

Every citizen from every nation will be paid in GOLD coins for their service, and in return they shall pay an internationally-determined amount in taxes every week. To determine said amount, this law shall create a commission of Masters of Coin to regulate international prices.

Proposed by: Unnamed Guardsman 1 [Imperium] !!M57ZgnbnCIQ

Seconded by: ''Andrei - Master of Coin [Spooky] !!++saaZn/DN0, Mekkers[Undeclared][Nomad] !!1AGIWuniLvz

Additional Resources
